Hey Friends,

Wanted to share with you all my personal experiences of life as i went through it. It is impossible to write it all in one blog so i am considering to do it in a series of blogs.

Today as we are quarantined in our homes with our self's only i had the opportunity to reflect on what is inside me and what it was that was troubling me all these years.

In this blog i want to focus on what was my perspective of the world and how it was totally wrong.
I was not a very privileged child and neither was i very under privileged it was very normal very middle class in every aspect i can think of. I was not jealous nor did i complaint to any one about the lack of privileges which some of my friends were enjoying. Till college ended every thing was normal i became an engineer with some ups and down, Before i started working in the last year of my college my father's business flopped and we kind of went broke.

Things started to get normal as i started working.

But after some time i got struck in my job as the industry i was working in was affected by recession and some big scams which affected whole industry. I did not knew what to do so i started preparing for Govt Jobs for which you have to clear entrance exam . 2-3 years went by and nothing happened and i was not able to clear a single exam. I gave up on the idea of govt job and some how was able to change my job in which i got struck and with in an year i changed this job as well and was kind of settled as this new job had the job security but financially keeping in experience in mind and looking at the salary of my peers i was not earning much. Now it started affecting me and instead of taking responsibility for it i started  looking for targets on whom i can put my blame for all this.

As every weak individual does it  i started blaming my luck my stars  and my father for it. Why my father, .I did all the blaming in my mind and never let my father know what i was thinking but i had made him the target for what ever i was going through. Then this lock down happened and i decided to find exact reasons for my problems. I started doing self introspection has started to realize the mistakes i had made.

Mistakes i made. -

 First mistake i made i did not kept up with the technology and i did nothing to gain that X factor which is required in every aspect of life, Second mistake i made was i did not gave my 100% to my entrance exam preparation. Third mistake i made was i did not make any effort to change the industry i was working in when things got saturated. Fourth and the biggest mistake i made was i started blame game with out doing any self introspection.

Life is too short for an individual to make all the mistakes, we should all learn from each others mistakes.

I will be writing about lessons learnt and how i was able to do self introspection in my next blog, Until then,

Good Bye.
